Getting Dressed: Caron Callahan

Caron Callahan

Years ago, I was complaining to a dear friend of mine about not feeling good about myself. There I was yet another day in my yoga pants, having worked out, doing all the things we are told that should pick us up. And she looked at me andasked with such kindness, “Jen, when was the last time you blew dry your hair? Got dressed? Put something on that felt good?” It was a moment for me. In all of my searching for feeling good, I had forgotten one of the most basic self-care routines: getting dressed. I think we place a lot of emphasis on things like working out, eating well, getting this or that kind of treatment and so much more as the ways to feeling good, especially as moms with little time, however, really some of the most basic things can help shift us from feeling eh to feeling good and getting dressed is one of them.

We have become so used to our stretchy pants, our sweatpants, our bedrooms, our couches, the tv and all the comfortable places, we have forgotten the most simple things like getting dressed. I don’t know about you but I often feel uninspired or there’s nowhere to go or no one to see during these times, that when I opened this box of new arrivals from Caron Callahan, I felt a jolt of energy to put these items on that it reminded me of how getting dressed can often be the antidote to a low energy kind of day.

Caron Callahan

The quality in these pieces are so dreamy and beautiful and unique that you want to try them on. They are an artistic take on pieces that feel antique, vintage, old. There is something nostalgic about them but also forward, so it’s like taking a timeless piece and adding a dose of modernism to them. I also love the crossover between these articles of clothing feeling so Brooklyn that all the pockets of the world that are Brooklyn-like fit into them as well: like Santa Barbara, Austin, Mill Valley…etc.

It was hard to choose my favorite of this collection, sigh, but I chose the overall —because of the fabric—the stiff yet comfortable feel, the color of the ivory and the feminine fit of the bodice. I feel hot and hip and comfortable and putting these on flipped my day from one that was just eh to one that was exciting.

Here’s to getting dressed - don’t forget it is an easy mood lifter.

