We're Teaming Up With Farm Cart Organics to Gift You a Fresh Box of Organic Produce!
We are teaming up with Farm Cart Organics and Valeska Voiges, the Food Healer, who is not only an exceptional celebrity chef but is also my dear friend.

Farm Cart provided us with some fresh organic ingredients and Valeska and her adorable sidekick/daughter Charlie whipped up some snacks and lunch ideas that are healthy, yummy, and easy to do yourself at home. Valeska is a chef who gets the balance of being a working mom, making accessible and yummy food that doesn’t sacrifice “yummy” too much for “healthy.”
Over the last few months of upheaval one thing that has kept me going during this time is the reliability of my weekly Farm Cart Organics Delivery. Now we are entering another season of change and I thought that wherever we fall on going back to school; whether we will be at home, or if our kids will be in school, if our kids will be with caretakers, if we are back in work, if we are out of work, if we are living through anything that feels rough, we could all use a jolt of the goodness and reliability of Farm Cart. There is something about the fresh delivery and the colorful items that have kept me looking forward to Wednesday morning. It has helped us come up with dinner ideas, has taught our family about eating in season and kept me and my kids crunching carrots, strawberries, and other fresh produce. I have been consistently impressed with the level of professionalism and the quality of the bounty of goodness. They have add ons such as fish, pantry goods and endless options for fruits and vegetables.
I recognize how privileged it is to have this - how expensive organic food can be and the valuable time that is required to make lunches and dinners. Which is why I am so thrilled by the generosity of Katherine Lesh and her Farm Cart company to offer up two free Farm Cart Boxes as a giveaway so that we can share their company with you.
The winner of this giveaway will receive one Farm Cart box for themselves and one “buddy” box to give to a friend. We’re throwing in a cute set of Sunnylife kids dishes for the winner. On top of that we’re throwing in some easy recipes from Valeska that you and your kids can cook along with at home. (Trust me I’ve reached out to her time and time again since I started getting my Farm Cart and needed to start learning how to cook new and different produce at home.)
To enter head over to our Instagram and follow both Farm Cart Organics and Jake and Jones. Tag a friend in the comments (multiple tags means multiple entries!) and we will randomly select a winner at the end of the week.

I am with you that this year is different in so many ways for our back to school start. I feel a mix of sadness and excitement for the Fall to come, for my sweet Jones to start Kindergarten and for Jake to go to Second grade. I hear all of the stories and feelings my fellow mom friends are having and I think they are all true for them.
And finally, in this back to school moment, I am in awe and gratitude for all the teachers and school staff out there and want to say a big thank you for all that you do for our kids and our families and community.

Happy Snacking -