Introducing: The Ever Curious Series

We have some very exciting news to share!  

We are launching “The Ever Curious Series,” where I will be interviewing inspiring women in the Santa Barbara community. These are makers, businesswomen, politicians, activists, chefs…women who inspire us.  

The store began around the word, curious. It is our buzz word, the theme song to our dance. For me, curious is a way of staying open to the mystery of the moment, a practice of being present, open, fluid and in alignment with what speaks to me, inspires me, keeps me interested. Curious is the opposite of knowing. Knowing can be boring, can cause stagnation. To be curious is to be in the process of learning and to be learning is to be open.  The Ever Curious Series began just around the New Year, when my team and I sat down and talked about what we wanted to do going forward, what inspires us, where we see the store moving and how we each could be engaged, inspired and curious. And from that discussion came this series. 

This Ever Curious series of events will take place at the store where we will have refreshments, light bites, a social hour sponsored by various companies in town and then an interview where I will be sharing these women with you. Best of all, for each of these events, the speakers have chosen a non-profit organization to partner with. We have partnered with Poketo to customize an Ever Curious journal and the money we make from those journals will be given to the chosen nonprofits.  

I have chosen these 7 events as a place to launch, with some of these women as people I have worked with and some of them who I want to know, who inspire me from afar and who through talking with them we can learn more about our Santa Barbara community.

The thread I have found when working in the store and talking with you our customers and community is a need for coming together, to having a place where ideas, creativity and community can spark and thrive. 

My hope is that this will open a path, a way to talk, to share ideas, to spread connection and create action. I hope you find this inspiring and the best way to support this and one another is to simply come, to listen, to ask great questions and be part of this unfolding series.  

I am so looking forward to this and hope you can join me as we chart this exciting new ground.  
