Diversify Your Bookshelf

I grew up with my dad who still reads voraciously.  And my mom a gifted writer. Both of my parents believed deeply in education as means to freedom.  They saw being educated not only going to school, but being versed in what is going on in and around us in the world.  Books are gateways.  They are avenues that can open us to experiences, cultural differences, vast worlds beyond our own.  

When the BLM movement came, I knew part of our pledge to stock our shelves with Black and Brown business owners would involve books.  I knew I needed to not only diversify the store’s bookshelf, but also my own and my kids.  I knew that I was also responsible for the lack of education, awareness in my own home.

And I am forever grateful for the showroom that we buy our books from to publish a list of BLM Books.  We immediately answered and here we are with a great collection of books mostly authored by Black and Brown people and for all ages.

I am still educating myself.  I will always be a student, learning, questioning, asking, uncovering and we are proud to be moving forward with a diverse bookshelf, both in store and at home.

Happy Reading, please share with me your favorite POC authors, important books and let us all keep learning and unlearning on this journey.
